WF’s Wealth & Investment Management

Wells Fargo is the 3rd largest bank in the U.S. but many are unaware of their offerings and expertise within the investing and wealth management space. We have an opportunity to change this perception and demonstrate to consumers the kind of sophisticated expertise Wells Fargo offers that demands consideration.

Our high net worth audience, although fairly satisfied with their current investments or the way they’re managing their wealth, are constantly curious if there are better options that they hadn’t previously considered.

 And Wells Fargo Wealth & Investment Management (WIM) has tapped into this client insight of constant wondering and need for better, by helping their clients to see their financial situation in a new light, which identifies new opportunities. That moment or realization that comes from looking at things differently, that changes how you see your financial situation is what we call, an Unlock. Unlocks give clarity. They’re the moments when “it” suddenly clicks. Where what you see initially transforms to offer entirely new opportunities when viewed from a different angle.

 To illustrate what an Unlock is, we commissioned artists to create custom perspective-art pieces that depending on how you look at it, the artwork will reveal a different image.  This is a metaphor for how we work with clients to discover new opportunities. And, it makes prospects very curious about the Unlocks that could await them. 

 This campaign allowed Wells Fargo Wealth and Investment Management to own a term, ‘Unlock’, as a way to define what they deliver for clients and subsequently allow people to (visually) experience and feel the power of an Unlock, through artwork.

Campaign results showed significant increases in Brand Familiarity, Favorability and Purchase Intent. 

WIM Unlock (Addressable TV)

WIM Unlock (Addressable TV)


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